Thank you to everyone who helped make 2024's Quw'utsun Sta'lo' Skweyul (Cowichan River Day) such a success! You can find more details on our River Day page and photos will be added to the gallery as they become available.
Who we are
First and foremost, we are grateful to be living and working on the unceded traditional territory of the Quw'utsun People.
The Cowichan Stewardship Roundtable is an open and collaborative group based in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, BC. Our work is focused on protecting our water and watersheds, now and for generations to come. For almost two decades, the Stewardship Roundtable has proven its ability to act quickly and effectively in a time of crisis, as well as plan for the long term. The roundtable approach allows local residents, industry, government and stewardship groups to address issues and take advantage of limited funding, to create the greatest good for the greatest number. When a drought hit the Cowichan Basin in 2003, Roundtable participants worked together to ensure that our basic water needs would continue to be met. When low river flows threatened our Chinook salmon population in 2006, group members acted quickly to relocate spawning fish and protect this fragile species. When the Cowichan River was being clouded by fine clay from Stoltz Bluff, the Roundtable remediated the area and stopped the equivalent of 9 dumptruck loads per day from sliding into the river and suffocating river life. This project won an award for its efforts, but more importantly it protected an important ecosystem and resource for all who rely on it to survive. As independent groups and individuals we have different interests, but as Roundtable members we share a common understanding: the health of watersheds is key to the health of our families, businesses and environment.
Partner of the Month
![]() The stated purpose of the Association is “to foster interest in rod and reel fishing, to foster interest in Canada’s greatest game fish, the salmon, to promote recreational fishing in the Sidney area, and to participate in measures for the propagation and conservation of salmon and the protection of its environment”
Roundtable Facebook Posts